Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Honda Copies Hyundai

Say what?

Well, it appears so. It's possible that Honda nailed down the design of the fourth gen Ody for the North American market, but it appears that it may be the opposite. That minivan design went on sale for 2011, while the Hyundai Entourage showed up in 2006. Despite our crowing that it was the other way around, it looks like Honda copied Hyundai, at least in the door handle design department. It's not an exact duplicate, but the treatments are very similar, with the chrome and the attempt to make it look like one big handle instead of two, being the unifying elements. Interesting. Okay, it's a bit of a stretch. But check it out for yourself.

2011 Honda Odyssey
2006 Hyundai Entourage

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