Friday, November 13, 2015

Urbamobile Replaces The Car

"Before introducing the UrbamobileTransportation System one thing should be noted: however unbelievable or fantastic it may seem, implementing this System on a broad and global level, without exaggeration, opens up a new era in the history of mankind.

Unfortunately, it is exactly the fatally hopeless organization of motor-car traffic in the actual absence of feasible alternatives that predetermined a rather bleak picture until recently.

Photo: Alexey F. Khoroshev
But now when the Urbamobile is invented giving the realistic chance of organizing everything in a fundamentally different way. Implementing the amazing urbamobile ability to easily move around disregarding contact and ensuring good maneuvering in a squeezed space environment due to optimal design and control offered by the Urbamobile TransportationSystem."

Click the links for more description, details and images. Imagine how difficult it would be to implement this idea; what a task of monumental proportions! But it might work if a city closed its borders to cars and provided safe and secure free parking on the city limits and made these available for within. Say, that could work...

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