Sunday, November 27, 2016

1996(?) Ferrari 456 Venice Station Wagon

Not a concept! This was another "Let's build something weird for the Sultan!" car. Production was somewhere between 7 and who-knows-but-it-wasn't-many-because-they-were-ridiculously-expensive.


  1. That looks really decent. Very cohesive deign, from what we see in this short video. I certainly prefer it to the FF (aka Gucci Clown Shoe - I just made that up!).

    1. Here is a Ferrari wagon that was less-successfully executed:

    2. Of course, now I quake in fear, waiting for K2 to remind me that we already discussed the Ferrari 330 Vignale Shooting Brake a short while ago.

    3. Have no fear! Ha ha! Seriously, you should've been a marketing guy. The Gucci-shoe tie-in is pure gold.


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