Saturday, April 16, 2016

Dieselgate: The Movie

Meet Steve Kalafer...

He may look happy, but he's most certainly not.

 ...and he's pissed at Volkswagen. Not only that, but he's also rich and loves making movies about stuff.

And let us not forget the ongoing value tracking of a 2015 Jetta 2.0L TDI SEL here on REVolution. We're still not seeing much change in comparison to historical figures. For all the ruckus, these things aren't nose-diving like we thought they would. While there's little point arguing that things are a mess at VDumb, they don't seem to be affecting values whatsoever. We'll keep an eye on that and will update soon.

1 comment:

  1. I'll make a large batch of popcorn. That is a film I want to see!


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