Monday, April 11, 2016

"Baffled", the TV Movie

Special request for Bobinott; here's "Baffled" in its entirety. Enjoy!


  1. OMG, amazing K2. Thank you! Now I have to set aside an hour and half to really enjoy this thing. I suspect a mildly mood-altering beverage might boost the fun factor. Or inviting over some car buddies (Cross-over Bonus if they are also Trekkies). Maybe Bill Shatner is in town....

  2. Thumbs up! Sounds like a plan, with the libations and whatnot. I doubt Shatner is busy. It seemed like he was back on tv lately, with his talk show and other appearances. But then he disappeared again. Last I saw him was on a home renovation show and he was using a cane. He didn't look like he was in the best shape. Age gets us all, in the end!


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