Saturday, January 2, 2016


We've had a few cars where the electrical systems were wonky, especially the fuses. We'd keep a box of replacements in the glove box and just swap one out when things went weird. So, you'll understand why we get such a kick out of this picture.


  1. Very nice, and reminds me of various things I have "discovered" in cars and houses over the years.
    I recall that a very early episode of Mythbusters tested whether you can accidentally shoot yourself by using a 22 cartridge as a car fuse.
    In the case of The Laughing Cow ("La Vache qui rit", in France), I find if you take it out after about three minutes you can use the cheese as a fondue.

    1. Oh, and the 200 amp slow-blow does not retain that "slow" characteristic when applied across both terminals of a 12v car battery. Don't ask me how I know.....

  2. I don't ever remember faking a fuse. But I knew plenty of folks that did, including using several options from the picture.


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