Sunday, July 10, 2016

2004 Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback

Yep, only sold in the USofA for a total of one whole year. Once again, nice job Mitsu.

The video below is blurry. Here's a quick pic of the front 3/4.


  1. Never seen one of these. I couldn't even find one on Ebay for sale.

    1. I didn't find one on eBay, either, JJ. Not even on local CL. Prob in LA.

  2. Wow, nice looking wagon. I have never seen one. However, I did find at least a couple for sale in Canada:

    I see that the new Sportback is a 5-door hatch, rather than a wagon (it's alright K2, just breathe deeply).

    1. Ha ha. Doesn't take much, does it?

    2. Both of the cars you found looks like a good deal, B.

    3. I just read on Wikipedia that the Sportback was offered for TWO years in Bobinott Country (aka Canada). Dangit. Those guys get all the good stuff, like poutine.

    4. Poutine? Isn't he the president of Russia? Vladimir Poutine? Seriously, that stuff is an acquired taste, which I have yet to acquire.

  3. Okay, a quick national search found 5, four of which are on They ranged from a $2.5K with 165K to an outrageously priced example for $7.5K with only 89K. So they're out there, but not plentiful by any stretch of the imagination.

  4. Motorweek's review, which I should have included above. Oops.

  5. KBB says under $3K private party for a Ralliart...if you could find one. This may be another deal of the century for somebody who is willing to put up with a very rare (in the US) sporty Japanese wagon. Reports have been nothing but glowing from what I read and 0-60 is about 8 seconds (slushbox only, no manual was offered). A screaming used wagon deal!


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