Thursday, July 21, 2016

America's Coolest Station Wagons by Scotty Gosson

If you're interested in Domestic customized wagons, this is the book for you. The content is not so much about stock long roofs, but I still enjoyed it greatly.


  1. Yeah, and a new copy is only $496.00, from

    At least shipping is only $3.99!

    1. For those REVolution readers who cannot secure a mortgage to purchase this book, here is a free preview from Google:

      Seriously, this book does look gorgeous. The photography is lovely, and the author looks to have taken time to set up scenes that are "in context". For example, I really love the camping scene on page 39. Thanks for sharing this discovery K2.

  2. There are copies on eBay, Half and Amazon for under $25 US, plus shipping. I think that's still too much for my blood. If you find a copy under $15, I'd say go for it.

    1. Yeah, I knew that Amazon listing was an aberration. Just jerkin' yer chain!

    2. I don't get sellers that do that. OOP...I understand that...but still in print and there are far cheaper copies also for sale at the same time?

      I saw my book offered once for a couple of hundred bucks, too. That was weird in the extreme!

  3. You lent me this book and I'd say it's worth twenty-five bucks.


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