Thursday, July 28, 2016

1976 Pontiac Grand Safari

While Chrysler's "Stow 'n Go" minivan seats are some of the greatest inventions in all of cardom, back in the 70s the clam shell wagon tailgate was my favorite Rube Golberg-ian feature, which was a GM invention. Don't think the 76 in the video above is cool enough? Try the one below...


  1. Wow, I never had a chance to deal with one of those clam shell tailgates. However, my lifetime spent in the Rust Belt makes me shudder to think how that mechanism would stand up over extended salt baths. I think I will stick with a regular hatch-style, thanks.

    On a related topic, have you ever tried to lower a spare tire from one of those under floor chain rigs after a few years (which of course will be the first time it has ever moved)? My first (and last) such experience was on a Datsun 510 Wagon. Oh the hours of fun that entailed!

    1. Absolutely. Plus the complexity and that's why you don't see many around anymore.

      Yes. Many times. Worst deign ever. In recent years, it was on the MPV. Every time we had a flat, which was about four times if I recall correctly, the damn spare was also flat from the rust and neglect. Always fixable but also always useless.


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