Saturday, July 9, 2016

Honda Civic: Wagon Attack

Too much fun!

Now I want one. Must...resist...Craigslist...GAHH!!!!

I saw these a couple of years ago and they struck a chord with me. They might with you, also.


  1. I must be getting old: on the first film, all I could think of was that this was a great way to completely chew up snow tires, FOUR at a time!

    Every fall, I wind up searching Kijiji (think CL, without the creepy personal ads) for yet another set of used snow tires for my son, who maybe inherited a bit of a lead foot from his father. I, on the other hand am still driving on a set of snows that I bought new when I picked up my Focus wagon in 2006. Lots of tread left (seriously). Admittedly, he drives a lot more miles than I do, but still.... I'm just sayin'

    1. Ha! True. A waste of tires. But sometimes it's worth the cost, just to let it all hang out.

      You must be easy on your winter tires. Impressive! Don't think I've ever had a set longer than 6-7 years.

    2. Yeah, I think I learned the skill by babying wet tires on a drying race track. Gently gently.....


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