Thursday, December 15, 2016

Hyundai Entourage Tires

Got new shoes on the Entourage; General Altimax RT43. By some reviews, they're nearly as good as snow tires in the fluffy stuff, while still being great dailys. We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Update: First impression is that they're pretty amazing. But, I haven't done a lot of driving on them. Maybe they're a bit harder riding. Yesterday, the area was told to stay off the roads because of ice (we also got about an inch of snow) in the morning. We went out at about 2pm and I could detect no slippage and the grip was excellent. Of course, I was driving extremely carefully. Normally, I find an empty parking lot to see where the limits are, safely. I need to do that still. I have no doubt there will be plenty of opportunity in the coming weeks. But initial feelings are that these are a great investment and can actually fulfill many of the functions snow tires can while still be livable year-round.


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