Wednesday, December 28, 2016

C&D January 2017

I know a lot of you are going a bit stir crazy with the nearly nonstop station wagon focus here on REVolution. It's been since last May, after all. Sorry to disappoint, but we're not quite done yet. Soon, soon, soon! I promise.

In the meantime, here are two items from the January 2017 issue of Car and Driver that caught my eye. The first item is the Datsun redi-Go. That's right, Datsun; they brought it back in India. This compact wagon (oh no!) has 3 cylinders, 13" wheels and a base price of $3584. Unsurprisingly, it's one painfully cheap car...only three lugnuts? Really? Yep.

The second item was a mention of a bizarre-o promo video for the Toyota Setsuna concept car. If there ever was a car designed for a Terminex, unfinished furniture and Morgan tie-in, this is it!


  1. Lots to comment on with the Redi-GO. First, I would not classify that as a wagon (sorry K2, I don't mean to reignite the religious war :-). but a hatchback is a hatchback. Next, that was a really well done review, and a pleasure to watch. The tester communicates well, and is very clear about specifics. So much better than much YouTube content. It is interesting to see what can be offered in a market that is not over-regulated (optional driver's airbag!). This car represents a modern incarnation of a simple basic vehicle. I suspect I would not be unhappy driving it. And what is wrong with having only three lug nuts? As a French car fan, that is not weird to me. If weight is low enough, three is enough.

    1. Another failed and desperate attempt at humor, on my part!

    2. Sorry, I meant to "smiley" my complaint as well. We both know we are only pretending to be mortally offended by the other's statements :-)

  2. But the Setsuna! First, I loved the video, as schlocky as it might be. Beautifully made. I knew nothing about the car, but you sent me looking. Here is an informative page, with remarkably detailed photos:

    That is a neat car, and such a different concept from the usual carbon-fiber hypercars that have zero relevance to my life. I am not sure if I could be as far-thinking as the grandfather in the video if my grandson keyed my new car!

    Thanks K2 for an unusually pleasant little morning distraction.

    1. Sorry, you must have a unibrow to drive the Setsuna. No exceptions!


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